Google Ads

connector for Google Looker Studio

Connect your Google Ads data to report on it using Googles Looker Studio, visualise data from your ad campaigns including ad spend, impressions, clicks etc..

s.i.m.b.a Google Ads Connector includes

13 Dimensions &
45 Metrics

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How to add s.i.m.b.a Google Ads connector using Looker Studio

Dimensions and Metrics included in the scope

Field NameTypeDescription
customer_resourceNamedimensionThe unique identifier for the customer resource.
customer_callReportingSetting_callReportingEnabledmetricIndicates whether call reporting is enabled for the customer.
customer_callReportingSetting_callConversionReportingEnabledmetricIndicates whether call conversion reporting is enabled for the customer.
customer_callReportingSetting_callConversionActiondimensionThe resource name of the conversion action to attribute a call conversion to.
customer_conversionTrackingSetting_conversionTrackingStatusdimensionThe status of the conversion tracking setting for the customer.
customer_conversionTrackingSetting_googleAdsConversionCustomerdimensionThe resource name of the Google Ads conversion action that is automatically added for the customer.
customer_remarketingSetting_googleGlobalSiteTagdimensionThe global site tag (gtag.js) setting for the customer.
customer_iddimensionThe unique identifier of the customer.
customer_descriptiveNamedimensionThe name of the customer.
customer_currencyCodedimensionThe currency code for the customer.
customer_timeZonedimensionThe time zone for the customer.
customer_trackingUrlTemplatedimensionThe URL template for appending tracking parameters.
customer_autoTaggingEnabledmetricIndicates whether auto-tagging is enabled for the customer.
customer_hasPartnersBadgemetricIndicates whether the customer has a Partners program badge.
customer_managermetricIndicates whether the customer is a manager account.
customer_testAccountmetricIndicates whether the customer is a test account.
customer_optimizationScoremetricThe optimization score of the customer.
customer_optimizationScoreWeightmetricThe weight of the optimization score for the customer.
customer_statusdimensionThe status of the customer.
customer_locationAssetAutoMigrationDonemetricIndicates whether location asset auto-migration is done for the customer.
customer_locationAssetAutoMigrationDoneDateTimeThe date and time when location asset auto-migration was done for the customer.
campaign_resourceNamedimensionThe resource name of the campaign.
campaign_statusdimensionThe status of the campaign.
campaign_adServingOptimizationStatusdimensionThe ad serving optimization status of the campaign.
campaign_advertisingChannelTypedimensionThe advertising channel type of the campaign.
campaign_urlCustomParametersdimensionThe custom parameters of the campaign's final URL.
campaign_networkSettings_targetGoogleSearchmetricIndicates whether the campaign targets Google Search Network.
campaign_networkSettings_targetSearchNetworkmetricIndicates whether the campaign targets Search Network.
campaign_networkSettings_targetContentNetworkmetricIndicates whether the campaign targets Content Network.
campaign_networkSettings_targetPartnerSearchNetworkmetricIndicates whether the campaign targets Partner Search Network.
campaign_networkSettings_targetGoogleTvNetworkmetricIndicates whether the campaign targets Google TV Network.
campaign_experimentTypedimensionThe experiment type of the campaign.
campaign_servingStatusdimensionThe serving status of the campaign.
campaign_dynamicSearchAdsSetting_domainNamedimensionThe domain name of the campaign's dynamic search ads.
campaign_dynamicSearchAdsSetting_languageCodedimensionThe language code of the campaign's dynamic search ads.
campaign_dynamicSearchAdsSetting_useSuppliedUrlsOnlymetricIndicates whether only supplied URLs are used for the campaign's dynamic search ads.
campaign_targetingSetting_targetRestrictionsdimensionThe target restrictions of the campaign.
campaign_geoTargetTypeSetting_positiveGeoTargetTypedimensionThe positive geo-target type setting of the campaign.
campaign_geoTargetTypeSetting_negativeGeoTargetTypedimensionThe negative geo-target type setting of the campaign.
campaign_baseCampaigndimensionThe base campaign of the campaign.
campaign_namedimensionThe name of the campaign.
campaign_iddimensionThe unique identifier of the campaign.
campaign_labelsdimensionThe labels assigned to the campaign.
campaign_campaignBudgetdimensionThe budget of the campaign.
campaign_startDateThe start date of the campaign.
campaign_endDateThe end date of the campaign.
campaign_primaryStatusdimensionThe primary status of the campaign.
campaign_primaryStatusReasonsdimensionThe reasons for the primary status of the campaign.
adGroup_resourceNamedimensionThe resource name of the ad group.
adGroup_statusdimensionThe status of the ad group.
adGroup_typedimensionThe type of the ad group.
adGroup_targetingSetting_targetRestrictionsdimensionThe target restrictions of the ad group.
adGroup_iddimensionThe unique identifier of the ad group.
adGroup_namedimensionThe name of the ad group.
adGroup_baseAdGroupdimensionThe base ad group of the ad group.
adGroup_campaigndimensionThe campaign to which the ad group belongs.
adGroup_cpcBidMicrosmetricThe CPC bid amount in micros for the ad group.
adGroup_cpmBidMicrosmetricThe CPM bid amount in micros for the ad group.
adGroup_targetCpaMicrosmetricThe target CPA amount in micros for the ad group.
adGroup_cpvBidMicrosmetricThe CPV bid amount in micros for the ad group.
adGroup_targetCpmMicrosmetricThe target CPM amount in micros for the ad group.
adGroup_effectiveTargetCpaMicrosmetricThe effective target CPA amount in micros for the ad group.
metrics_interactionEventTypesdimensionThe types of interaction events tracked for the ad group.
metrics_clicksmetricThe number of clicks for the ad group.
metrics_videoViewsmetricThe number of video views for the ad group.
metrics_viewThroughConversionsmetricThe number of view-through conversions for the ad group.
metrics_conversionsFromInteractionsRatemetricThe rate of conversions from interactions for the ad group.
metrics_conversionsValuemetricThe value of conversions for the ad group.
metrics_conversionsmetricThe number of conversions for the ad group.
metrics_costMicrosmetricThe cost in micros for the ad group.
metrics_crossDeviceConversionsmetricThe number of cross-device conversions for the ad group.
metrics_ctrmetricThe click-through rate for the ad group.
metrics_engagementsmetricThe number of engagements for the ad group.
metrics_activeViewImpressionsmetricThe number of active view impressions for the ad group.
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicrosmetricThe cost in micros for measurable active view impressions for the ad group.
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressionsmetricThe number of measurable active view impressions for the ad group.
metrics_allConversionsFromInteractionsRatemetricThe rate of all conversions from interactions for the ad group.
metrics_allConversionsValuemetricThe value of all conversions for the ad group.
metrics_allConversionsmetricThe number of all conversions for the ad group.
metrics_averageCostmetricThe average cost for the ad group.
metrics_averageCpcmetricThe average CPC for the ad group.
metrics_averageCpmmetricThe average CPM for the ad group.
metrics_gmailForwardsmetricThe number of Gmail forwards for the ad group.
metrics_gmailSavesmetricThe number of Gmail saves for the ad group.
metrics_impressionsmetricThe number of impressions for the ad group.
metrics_interactionRatemetricThe interaction rate for the ad group.
metrics_interactionsmetricThe number of interactions for the ad group.
metrics_newCustomerLifetimeValuemetricThe new customer lifetime value for the ad group.
metrics_allNewCustomerLifetimeValuemetricThe all new customer lifetime value for the ad group.
metrics_ordersmetricThe number of orders for the ad group.
metrics_averageOrderValueMicrosmetricThe average order value in micros for the ad group.
metrics_costOfGoodsSoldMicrosmetricThe cost of goods sold in micros for the ad group.
metrics_grossProfitMicrosmetricThe gross profit in micros for the ad group.
metrics_revenueMicrosmetricThe revenue in micros for the ad group.
metrics_unitsSoldmetricThe number of units sold for the ad group.
metrics_crossSellCostOfGoodsSoldMicrosmetricThe cross-sell cost of goods sold in micros for the ad group.
metrics_crossSellGrossProfitMicrosmetricThe cross-sell gross profit in micros for the ad group.
metrics_crossSellRevenueMicrosmetricThe cross-sell revenue in micros for the ad group.
metrics_leadCostOfGoodsSoldMicrosmetricThe lead cost of goods sold in micros for the ad group.
metrics_leadGrossProfitMicrosmetricThe lead gross profit in micros for the ad group.
metrics_leadRevenueMicrosmetricThe lead revenue in micros for the ad group.
adGroupAd_resourceNamedimensionThe resource name of the ad.
adGroupAd_statusdimensionThe status of the ad.
adGroupAd_ad_typedimensionThe type of the ad.
adGroupAd_ad_resourceNamedimensionThe resource name of the ad's ad.
adGroupAd_ad_iddimensionThe unique identifier of the ad.
adGroupAd_ad_finalUrlsdimensionThe final URLs of the ad.
adGroupAd_ad_addedByGoogleAdsmetricIndicates whether the ad was added by Google Ads.
adGroupAd_adGroupdimensionThe ad group to which the ad belongs.
segments_dayOfWeekdimensionThe day of the week segment.
segments_datemetricThe date segment.
segments_monthmetricThe month segment.
segments_quartermetricThe quarter segment.
segments_weekmetricThe week segment.
segments_yeardimensionThe year segment.
adGroupAd_ad_urlCustomParametersdimensionThe URL custom parameters of the ad.
adGroupAd_ad_expandedDynamicSearchAd_descriptiondimensionThe description of the ad's expanded dynamic search ad.
adGroup_optimizedTargetingEnabledmetricIndicates whether optimized targeting is enabled for the ad group.
metrics_videoQuartileP100RatemetricThe video quartile p100 rate for the ad group.
metrics_videoQuartileP25RatemetricThe video quartile p25 rate for the ad group.
metrics_videoQuartileP75RatemetricThe video quartile p75 rate for the ad group.
metrics_valuePerAllConversionsmetricThe value per all conversions for the ad group.
metrics_valuePerConversionmetricThe value per conversion for the ad group.
metrics_valuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversionmetricThe value per current model attributed conversion for the ad group.
metrics_costPerAllConversionsmetricThe cost per all conversions for the ad group.
metrics_costPerConversionmetricThe cost per conversion for the ad group.
metrics_costPerCurrentModelAttributedConversionmetricThe cost per current model attributed conversion for the ad group.
metrics_activeViewCpmmetricThe active view CPM for the ad group.
metrics_activeViewCtrmetricThe active view CTR for the ad group.
metrics_activeViewViewabilitymetricThe active view viewability for the ad group.
metrics_allConversionsByConversionDatemetricThe all conversions by conversion date for the ad group.
metrics_conversionsByConversionDatemetricThe conversions by conversion date for the ad group.
metrics_valuePerAllConversionsByConversionDatemetricThe value per all conversions by conversion date for the ad group.
metrics_valuePerConversionsByConversionDatemetricThe value per conversions by conversion date for the ad group.
adGroupAd_ad_responsiveDisplayAd_businessNamedimensionThe business name of the ad's responsive display ad.

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