Facebook Page Insights

connector for Google Looker Studio

Connect your Facebook Page Insights data to report on it using Googles Looker Studio, visualise data from your Facebook Page including followers, follower activity, likes, posts etc..

s.i.m.b.a Facebook Page Insights Connector includes

20 Dimensions &
43 Metrics

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Sign up to s.i.m.b.a by logging in with your Google account or registering an account from the login page. Or simply add the connector directly in  Googles Looker Studio and we will create a free trial for you

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How to add s.i.m.b.a Facebook Page Insights connector using Looker Studio

Dimensions and Metrics included in the scope

Field Name Description Type
date_start Start date of the data period DIMENSION
page_id Unique identifier of the Facebook page DIMENSION
page_name Name of the Facebook page DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_consumptions_by_consumption_type Page consumptions by type DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique Content activity by unique action type DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_content_activity_by_country_unique Content activity by unique country DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_unique Fan adds by paid/non-paid DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_fans_by_like_source Fans by like source DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_fans_by_unlike_source_unique Fans by unlike source DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_fans_country Fans by country DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_fans_gender_age Fans by gender and age DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_impressions_by_age_gender_unique Impressions by unique age and gender DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_impressions_by_country_unique Impressions by unique country DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_impressions_by_story_type_unique Impressions by unique story type DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_impressions_viral_frequency_distribution Impressions viral frequency distribution DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_negative_feedback_by_type Negative feedback by type DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_positive_feedback_by_type Positive feedback by type DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_posts_impressions_frequency_distribution Posts impressions frequency distribution DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_views_by_age_gender_logged_in_unique Views by unique age, gender, logged-in status DIMENSION
dimemsions_page_views_external_referrals Views from external referrals DIMENSION
page_actions_post_reactions_like_total Total post reactions - like MET RIC
page_actions_post_reactions_love_total Total post reactions - love METRIC
page_actions_post_reactions_wow_total Total post reactions - wow METRIC
page_actions_post_reactions_haha_total Total post reactions - haha METRIC
page_actions_post_reactions_sorry_total Total post reactions - sorry METRIC
page_actions_post_reactions_anger_total Total post reactions - anger METRIC
page_content_activity Page content activity METRIC
page_engaged_users Engaged users on the page METRIC
page_fan_removes Fans removed from the page METRIC
page_fans Total fans of the page METRIC
page_impressions Total impressions of the page METRIC
page_impressions_organic_unique_v2 Unique organic impressions of the page METRIC
page_impressions_paid Total paid impressions of the page METRIC
page_impressions_unique Unique impressions of the page METRIC
page_impressions_viral_unique Unique viral impressions of the page METRIC
page_places_checkin_mobile_unique Unique mobile check-ins on the page METRIC
page_post_engagements Engagements on posts of the page METRIC
page_posts_impressions Total impressions on posts of the page METRIC
page_posts_impressions_organic_unique Unique organic impressions on posts of the page METRIC
page_posts_impressions_paid_unique Unique paid impressions on posts of the page METRIC
page_posts_impressions_unique Unique impressions on posts of the page METRIC
page_posts_impressions_viral_unique Unique viral impressions on posts of the page METRIC
page_total_actions Total actions on the page METRIC
page_video_views Total video views on the page METRIC
page_video_views_organic Organic video views on the page METRIC
page_video_views_paid Paid video views on the page METRIC
page_views_total Total views on the page METRIC
value_page_consumptions_by_consumption_type Value of page consumptions by type METRIC
value_page_content_activity_by_action_type_unique Value of content activity by unique action type METRIC
value_page_content_activity_by_country_unique Value of content activity by unique country METRIC
value_page_fan_adds_by_paid_non_paid_unique Value of fan adds by paid/non-paid METRIC
value_page_fans_by_like_source Value of fans by like source METRIC
value_page_fans_by_unlike_source_unique Value of fans by unlike source METRIC
value_page_fans_country Value of fans by country METRIC
value_page_fans_gender_age Value of fans by gender and age METRIC
value_page_impressons_by_country_unique Value of impressions by unique country METRIC
value_page_impressiions_by_age_gender_unique Value of impressions by unique age and gender METRIC
value_page_impressions_by_story_type_unique Value of impressions by unique story type METRIC
value_page_impressions_viral_frequency_distribution Value of impressions viral frequency distribution METRIC
value_page_negative_feedback_by_type Value of negative feedback by type METRIC
value_page_positive_feedback_by_type Value of positive feedback by type METRIC
value_page_posts_impressions_frequency_distribution Value of posts impressions frequency distribution METRIC
value_page_views_by_age_gender_logged_in_unique Value of views by unique age, gender, logged-in status METRIC
value_page_views_external_referrals Value of views from external referrals METRIC

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